If you have been in the embroidery business, this is often a tough decision. Do you delegate your projects for hands embroidery or do you employ a machine embroidery company to complete the job? Let's just take a look at the benefits and drawbacks of both options. Want to know more about usa digitizers ? Visit our website for more information. Pros of Hands Embroidery 1) Hands embroidery can produce a unique look and delightful pieces which are truly individual. 2) Every individual adds his/her personal touches to the piece, developing a signature piece. Cons of Hands Embroidery 1) Hands embroidery takes money and time. With an average, its takes greater than two hrs to produce a two-inch square bit of embroidery. The more intricate the piece, the most time it will require. As time is money, rise in processing time pushes up the costs both tangibly and intangibly for the business. 2) Personal error and contamination can also be possible in hands embroidery. For instanc...